Working on the next global trend?

We'd love to find out more. We like to build relationships with the companies we invest in as early as possible, so it's never too soon to get in touch – even if you're not fundraising yet.

Working on the next global trend?

We'd love to find out more. We like to build relationships with the companies we invest in as early as possible, so it's never too soon to get in touch – even if you're not fundraising yet.

Together, digitization and sustainability (ESG) will transform mindsets, behaviors, and markets

A crucial success factor for the digital revolution has been cultural change. It takes a lot of time and effort to win over employees' and consumers’ willingness to adopt new technologies. This dynamic is at least as true for the sustainability transformation.

Now more than ever, building a future-proof, sustainable company and product requires three non-negotiables:

Environment: Respecting nature and our ecosystem

Social: Protecting workers' and consumers’ rights 

Governance: Implementing effective policies, procedures, and processes

We believe digitization and sustainability go hand in hand. Both are critical in delivering on various interdependent ESG fronts. From our perspective, visionary companies follow the “Genius of the AND” approach, embracing all ESG dimensions simultaneously. 

Cusp Capital invests in companies that are on the cusp of shaping our sustainable future. We back entrepreneurs who understand that ESG is a business opportunity in building the next generation of tools and services, leading to a positive impact on our planet and society.

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