Working on the next global trend?

We'd love to find out more. We like to build relationships with the companies we invest in as early as possible, so it's never too soon to get in touch – even if you're not fundraising yet.

Building companies

to scale sustainably

companies to

scale sustainably

Sustainability is at the heart of both our investment strategy and our internal processes.
We integrate ESG across the different investment phases.


& Execution

One of our four theses is dedicated to sustainability, while we're currently working to integrate ESG (environmental, social and corporate governance) into our due diligence processes.

Our Sustainability Thesis


& Governance

Enable companies
on the cusp

to create value

Enable companies
on the cusp

to create value sustainably

Carolin, our Investor, Head of ESG & General Partner, is continuously developing our own strategy, and looking at ways for Cusp Capital and our portfolio companies to turn ESG challenges into opportunities.

Building a future-proof sustainable company requires the three non-negotiables behind the acronym of „ESG”:

  • Environment: Respecting nature and our ecosystem

  • Social: Protecting workers' and consumers’ rights

  • Governance: Implementing effective policies, procedures, and processes

From our perspective, visionary companies follow the “Genius of the AND” approach, embracing all (material) ESG dimensions simultaneously. That is why we help our portfolio companies not just talk the talk but walk the talk by:

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introducing & sensitizing to the ESG topic

Icon for defining an esg roadmap

defining an ESG Roadmap

Icon for navigating the complex regulatory landscape

navigating the complex regulatory landscape

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measuring and monitoring key ESG metrics

Icon for reporting esg

establishing ESG reporting and analyses

Icon for implementing governance structures allowing companies to scale

implementing governance structures allowing the company to scale


& Monitoring

We track a variety of ESG KPIs that are in line with relevant standards from the EU, i.e. Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR) or from large institutional investors.

To address the different challenges in the field of ESG and in order to ensure we evaluate sustainability characteristics as accurately as possible, we leverage the extensive technological and subject-matter expertise through our ESG platform provider Atlas Metrics.

Access for Investors